No.3 - Dye-sensitized solar fuels, 20 May 2020 at 10.00 Swedish time
Difficult times lead to unconventional ideas. As face-to-face conferences suddenly is a faraway option, Dyenamo has tested an alternative platform for information exchange, namely thematic online workshops. The first one was held 8 April 2020 covering the topic Perovskite solar cells using the Dyenamo carbon paste DN-CP01. The second one, "DSSC using Cu-based redox mediators", was held two weeks later. Both events included four speakers and gathered 40 and 80 participants, respectively.
The third online workshop will be organised Wednesday 20 May 2020 at 10.00 Swedish time with the topic "Dye-sensitized solar fuels". The event is free of charge and will be organized via Zoom with Prof. Anders Hagfeldt as moderator. The following invited speakers are confirmed:
Licheng Sun, KTH Stockholm and Westlake University Hangzhou
For registration, please write your name and organisation in an email to, by latest 18 May 2020. We will confirm your registration by sending the link to the event.